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Welcome to the home of 300 Words or Less Creative Writing Group. We are a small but enthusiastic group of writers based in Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, UK. We meet on the first Tuesday of the month to chat, swap ideas and practise our creative writing techniques. No matter what your writing style is or interests are, we extend a warm welcome to new members any time -just come along to one of our meetings. There is no meeting fee but don't forget pen and paper! If you want more information, please get in touch.
2018 Meetings
Tuesday 2nd October 8pm
Tuesday 6th November 8pm
Tuesday 4th December 8pm
Sometimes we need to alter a meeting date. If that happens we will update this list and let everyone know via email and our Facebook group.
meeting venue
Ye Olde Red Lion
56 London Road
Hemel Hempstead
Usually First Tuesday of the month at 8pm but please check the above list of dates and our Facebook page for the most up to date schedule.
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